4 Ways to Improve Your E-commerce Conversion Rates

A retailer of IT products in an attempt to expand his business and increase sales often prefers to start his e-commerce site. Although an e-commerce platform can be helpful in this regard, it might not lead to increase in conversion rates, if the website is not designed properly. To be more specific, reports of online shoppers abandoning their shopping cart is common. Studies have revealed that on an average, customers tend to leave 68% of all online shopping carts.
So despite visiting the site and adding it to the cart, a majority of customers tend to abandon the cart, in turn causing an adverse impact on conversion rates. Following are some tips to resolve issues associated with e-commerce conversion killers.
 Increase Visibility of Shopping Cart Button
Barely visible shopping cart button is one of the biggest reasons behind cart abandonment. What’s the point of starting an e-commerce store, if your customers are unable to find the ‘Add to Cart’ button. So make sure that the shopping cart buttons such as ‘Buy Now’ and ‘Add to Cart’ stand out from the surrounding elements on your website. For instance, the color of the button should be such that it grabs the visitor’s attention. A light button on a white background will give poor visibility to this button. Instead, choose contrast colors that can arrest attention of the most casual viewer.
The position of the shopping button is another factor that can improve visibility. Through 'Shopping Cart Software' positioning it at the top of the page can make it highly visible. Also, as soon as the customer clicks on the ‘Add to Cart’ button, a pop-up window should appear at the top of the page, showing the number of items in the shopping cart. For instance, you can have ‘View Shopping Cart’ link on the pop-up window. Once the customer clicks on the link, he should be able to see all the shopping cart items along with the ‘Buy Now’ option. See image:

No Registration Before Purchase
Registration before purchase can be a big put off for prospective buyers. It is an unnecessary obstacle that can drive your customers away from your e-commerce site. Imagine a customer has come to purchase the latest mobile and is eager to look at the different models but what he sees is the mandatory filling of registration form before purchase. This is sure to frustrate your customer to a great extent and he is likely to close your website never to return.
Many customers feel that forceful registration complicates the checkout process. Studies have shown that compulsory registration leads to 75% of visitors abandoning their shopping cart. To resolve this issue, providing a ‘check-out as guest’ option is advised.
Retailers should keep in mind that the visitor has come to their online store to begin his purchase ASAP and not to fill the registration form.  Also, lengthy registration forms can act as a great deterrent in completing the checkout process. So after the purchase has been made, the registration form should ask for basic information like name, phone number, email-id, and delivery address.
Another way to give your customers a trouble-free shopping experience is to go for ‘No registration at all’ option. This can considerably reduce the length of purchase and checkout process as the prospective buyer is exempted from the task of creating an account.  One e-commerce site found out that there was a whopping 45 % jump in sales when the customers were exempted from entering the registration requirements.
 Increase your E-commerce Site Speed
Slow shopping cart is one of the biggest reasons behind increased abandonment rates. In today’s hyper-paced world, you simply cannot afford to have shopping cart pages that have a slow load time. 18% of online shoppers have sited slow load time as the main reason behind leaving their shopping cart. Short load time essentially speeds up the checkout process, which is what exactly the customer wants, so that they make a quick online shopping whenever need arises.
 Slash Shipping Costs
Well, you might think that there is no reason why the customer shouldn’t buy from your site, as your items have a heavy discount. However, if your fee is high for shipping items, there is a high possibility that the customer may abandon the shopping cart. Let’s face it; customers don’t like to pay shipping costs, hence many prefer to buy from a physical store. So slashing shipping costs can work wonders to get closer to customers and improve conversion rates.
On the whole, your focus apart from increasing the visibility of shopping cart button , should also be on the checkout process when it comes to increasing sales. Your checkout process needs to be as simple as possible and should require minimum registration if any. In short, you should provide a hassle-free shopping experience to your customers in order to maximize revenue.

You can create your Online Store using VARStreet’s E-commerce Software.

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